Lanease D. Fuller


Dedicated to Practicing Excellence


As a seasoned Attorney, she has experience in handling all types of legal cases. She truly cares about each client and wants them to walkout better than they came in the office. Attorney Fuller is not afraid to “T” it up for trial. We will go toe to toe with the adversary.

Attorney Lanease D Fuller

We serve the best service

When you are facing a legal matter, working with a reliable attorney can help you navigate your situation to get the results you desire. Attorney Lanease Fuller has the experience and expertise you need to overcome your legal troubles and move forward with your life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.


Legal Practice Areas

Personal Injury

When you have been injured due to reckless or negligent actions of another person, company, or entity, we can help.

Civil Litigation

We help our clients with a wide range of civil litigation cases to ensure they are protected and prepared.


Solid criminal defense can be the difference between your freedom and serving time in prison with a record.


Whether it is your first DWI or not, working with our team can help you to overcome the charges in your case.

Wills / Estate Planning

Protect yourself and your family by working with our team for will preparation and estate planning today.


Work with a reputable attorney to stay on top of all legal matters that are necessary for your commercial business.

Lanease D. Fuller is an expert:


Attorney Fuller has spent nearly three decades helping her clients seek justice in their personal injury cases. While money can never undo the trauma you have suffered it can help you get the treatment you need to move forward with your life.

Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer in your case can help you to navigate this difficult time and get the results you are looking for. When you have been injured, do not settle for less than you deserve.

Client Consultations
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Successful Cases
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Recovered cost for clients
0 MM+
Years of Experience
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Free Consultation

Law is a complicated matter. It can cause you a big problem
if you ignore it. Let us help you!

Cities We Serve




Words From Clients

Are you looking for help?

Let us help you! Call Now : 713 439-7400