Is A DWI A Criminal Charge?

Is A DWI A Criminal Charge

Most DWI and DUIs (driving while under the influence) charges in Texas will be misdemeanor criminal offenses. However, it is possible to have felony charges brought against you for your drunk driving arrest. Most often, a felony DWI/DUI occurs if the driver has been previously convicted of 2 other misdemeanor DWIs. There are other, less […]

Tips For Handling A DWI Charge

Tips For Handling A DWI Charge

DWI and DUi charges are serious offenses that can come with jail time if not properly handled. Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you to navigate your alcohol abuse charge and walk away with less severe consequences. Below are some tips for handling a DWI charge: Cooperate With Law Enforcement: One of […]

DWI Lawyer Near Me

DWI Lawyer Near Me

What Is A DWI? Texas officially uses the term “driving while intoxicated” (DWI) instead of “driving under the influence” (DUI). However, some people still use DWI and DUI interchangeably to refer to drunk or drugged driving. Texas’s DWI laws prohibit all motorists from operating a motor vehicle: with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% […]